The US Catholic Mission Association (USCMA) is a national community of religious congregations, nonprofit organizations, parishes and individuals dedicated to global, intercultural and social mission. USCMA members strive to embody and witness the Gospel in solidarity and mutual encounter, especially among vulnerable, marginalized and under resourced populations.
USCMA supports members and promotes mission through networking, formation and advocacy.
What are current membership fees?
USCMA offers organizational and individual memberships. First-time members receive a 50% discount, regardless of membership level. Membership fees are payable yearly at the following rates:
Organizations may delegate a leader to fill out our downloadable organizational membership form indicating the name of the mission sponsoring organization, the contact person, and the level of membership. We will send you an email so people within your organization can join USCMA as affiliate members.
Payment Options:
To pay by check, simply mail the membership form and check to:
NETWORK Lobby c/o USCMA 820 First Street, NE – Suite 350 Washington, DC 20002