These videos were recorded during our 2021 Virtual Dialogue, Angels Unware: Mission with People on the Move. The only way for a Catholic to “understand” the reality faced by people forced to migrate is through the Word of God, the cloud of witnesses, and the teachings of the Church. We focus our eyes of faith on the sisters and brothers who we must respond to with compassion and love.
You can view the videos in a variety of ways: individually by clicking on the speaker's name, as a sequence by clicking the sequence links below, or by using the full playlist at the top of this page.
The First Sequence – SEE
Lord, when were you...
Opening Prayer
Keynote: Timothy Schmalz
sculptor of Homeless Jesus and Angels Unawares
People on the Move: The Realities
Fr. Michael Gallagher, SJ, shares a global perspective
and then
Marisa Limón Garza, presents challenges in the U.S.
The Second Sequence – HEAR
If today you hear God's voice...
Fr. vănThanh Nguyễn, S.V.D leads reflective consideration
of what the Word of God says about people on the move.
Catholic Social Doctrine on Migration
Rhonda Miska explores the history of Catholic social doctrine in the past 100 years
and then
Lisa Parisio presents past and current legal realities through a Catholic lens
The Third Sequence – ACT
I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.
Sr. Joanna Okereke, HHCJ, and Dr. Mark Gray
present the latest research to help discern a personal and communal response
Sr. Norma Pimentel
discusses what the Church in America can do to welcome the stranger
Closing Address
Bishop Joseph Tyson
Chair of the USCCB’s Pastoral Care for Migrants, Refugees and Travelers