So much is happening at USCMA - the town hall gathering on May 4, the launch of Go Forth... at the end of the month. You have a busy life in ministry too, so Fr. James Kroeger offers suggestions for practical and spiritual support through 10 leadership principles based on the teachings of Pope Francis. Benedictine Sister Ursula Herrera shares her experience in mission with people crossing the border in Texas.
Get a sneak peek at our Sunday Commentaries for Go Forth... download this preview now! The weekly commentaries will be emailed every Tuesday starting May 23. Make sure you're signed up!
Fr. Thomas’s story demonstrates how reconciliation breaks the stalemate of win/lose and builds bridges of solidarity among all of God’s people. Don’s article, on the five practices of leadership, points a way to be with and for others with God’s vision as our only guide. Download the latest issue to read more, and get info about how to amplify your mission with Go Forth...