Brother Larry Johnson and Tania Delgado share their stories and reflect on Solomon’s request for an understanding heart, which helps them in their work with people who are poor and underprivileged in rural Tennessee.
When Abbot Robert Igo became a monk at Ampleforth Abbey, he thought he would die at the monastery. Instead, he traveled to Zimbabwe where he founded a monastery, learned to farm, accompanied the poor, and nursed people with HIV for 25 years.
What made Drew and Molly McAuliff take their children to Honduras to serve at Farm of the Child, also known as the Finca? How does life at the Finca support Honduran children who need of familial love?
Throughout her life, Louise knew about the Maryknoll Missionaries. When God finally called her to go overseas, she found the support she needed with Maryknoll Lay Missioners.