We are gathering online at 2pm ET on Thursdays. Our study sessions focus on what the document says, assess meanings given to the word "mission. We're making note of agreements, concerns, and recommendations.
Tiffany Farley of the Gabriel Network reflects on this week's readings and shares how her organization supports pregnant women so they and their families can thrive in Christ's love.
Adam shares how Saint Paul Street Evangelization grew from a small group handing out miraculous medals and rosaries outside the Saturday Market in Portland into a ministry that empowers street evangelization teams across the United States and beyond.
This week, Fr. Bob Mosher offers insight on how Jesus speaks with authority that is both authentic and effective and why we missionaries need to walk the talk in our host communities.
Join us for five-week study of the synod synthesis report, A Synodal Church in Mission. Meeting on five consecutive Thursdays at 2 pm ET beginning January 25, 2024, the study sessions will focus on what the document says, assess meaning given to word mission, and note agreements, concerns, and recommendations.
On this week's podcast, we connect with Joseph Schuler, Jr., of WMET in Washington DC to hear about his mission of bringing Christ to others through the radio and online!
Meet the leader of the Africa Faith and Justice Network and learn how the organization connects people and congregations in the US and Africa as a bridge for those working towards peace, justice and the integrity of creation.
This week, our Go Forth program coordinator and podcast host Ben OuYang encourages us to imitate the Magi and embrace our journey towards and with Christ.