We've confirmed our third and final speaker, Diane Huggins, the president of the board of directors for the Parish Twinning Program of the Americas and our facilitators, John and Anne Marie Hansen. They will join us at the Pallotine Retreat Center in Florissant, Missouri from October 29-31. Save the dates to explore the theme Mission of the Eucharist – Gather, Unite, Send.
On March 8, 2024, the board of directors approved the USCMA response ,"Through the Mission of the Son," developed as a fruit of the Synthesis Study Group Series.
The Board of Directors has officially launched its search for a new executive director to lead the organization. Find out more about the position and consider applying or sharing the opportunity with someone in your community or network.
This week, Fr. David Uribe, OMI, shares the work of the Missionary Oblates of Immaculate Mary who specialize in the most difficult missions. Our host Ben reflects on his family's special connection to the Oblates.
This week the 2024 Conference planning committee confirmed that Fr. Abdon Rwandekwe, SJ, will join us to present his thoughts on Eucharist, Mission, and Reconciliation from his perspective as a survivor of the Rwandan genocide.
In this week's podcast episode, Reg Platt explains his healing missionary work with Project Joseph and how these retreats help men grieve and heal from the abortion of their child.